shedding your menopausal middle - Sept 28th @ 10am Eastern

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tips to lose weight during menopause

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Tips to Lose Weight During Menopause

Are you struggling with weight gain during menopause? You’re not alone. Many women find that the hormonal changes during this life stage make it challenging to maintain a healthy weight. But don’t worry – I’m here to share some tips to lose weight during menopause that can help you regain control of your body and […]


most RECENT recipes

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There’s ONE thing you can change that has a surprising impact on your health, mood, and pretty much everything you do!  It isn’t a workout and it doesn’t involve overhauling your diet.  It’s your thoughts — and they’re super important because you have thousands and thousands of them every single day, playing a role in […]

This Changes Everything 


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This sugar stat caught me by surprise… and I thought I already knew a LOT about sugar.   👉 Eating just 100 calories a day of sugar (which is about 25 grams of added sugars, or 6 teaspoons) is linked to 45 DIFFERENT negative health outcomes.  Here’s a Quick Rundown of How Much (or how little!) […]

Sugar Does WHAT? 🤯 


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RELATABLE STORY AHEAD 🙈!  Let’s say you decide it’s time to finally (re)start a healthy lifestyle, so you pick a date to begin. You’ve got it all planned out: You’ll work out, eat better, drink more water, go to bed early, and do all the things.  And before the big day gets here, you make […]

When You’re “Bad” Because You Plan to be “Good.”


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Tender, naturally sweetened no-bake carrot cake bites are made with dates, carrots, walnuts, and cinnamon. It’s a simple recipe and perfect for a healthier dessert option at a holiday party or to have on hand for an afternoon sweet treat. Click here for more #loraapproved recipes.

No-Bake Carrot Cake Bites


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I’ve got a good news/bad news situation for you today.  Let’s rip off the bandaid and get the bad news out of the way first.  Despite what we’ve been told for years, it turns out that moderate drinking isn’t doing your health and fitness any favors.  Those 1-2 “happy hour” drinks that we’ve been told […]

You Might Want to Skip that Glass of Wine 


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The sizzle of the grill, the aroma of fresh herbs, and the vibrant colors of assorted vegetables – there’s something truly magical about grilling season. In this blog post, we’re excited to share a recipe that not only celebrates the beauty of summer but also tantalizes your taste buds with a burst of flavors. Presenting […]

Grilled Veggie Skewers with Lemon Herb Marinade


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This month we are all about making your healthy lifestyle EASIER …  And one big way to do that is to get rid of the things that are blocking you from your goals.  I’ve got a quick list of 6 things you can stop doing now … so you can start getting results NOW!  Ready? […]

6 Ways You’re Making it Harder to Reach Your Goals 


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As the sun blazes and the mercury rises, there’s one thing that’s absolutely crucial for your well-being: staying hydrated. The scorching summer heat can quickly sap your energy and leave you feeling drained. But fear not, for we have the ultimate hydration solution that’s a lifesaver and a delicious treat for your taste buds—introducing our […]

Citrus-Infused Spa Water


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Ever heard of the “middle-aged spread”?  It’s what can happen when you are between the ages of 45 and 55, and your metabolism starts to change.  In a nutshell, your body starts to gain fat because of shifting hormones and the aging process.  Despite what you have read (and maybe even felt): gaining weight as […]

The Truth About “Middle-Aged Spread”


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