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The Truth About “Middle-Aged Spread”



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A Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Menopause & Metabolism Specialist and Executive Wellness Coach helping busy menopausal women crack the code to living a healthy lifestyle so You Feel Great & Love Your Body!

I'm Lora!

Hey there!

Ever heard of the “middle-aged spread”? 

It’s what can happen when you are between the ages of 45 and 55, and your metabolism starts to change. 

In a nutshell, your body starts to gain fat because of shifting hormones and the aging process. 

Despite what you have read (and maybe even felt): gaining weight as you get older is not inevitable!!!

Hear me on this – it does not have to be that way!  

I’ve put together a list of 5 things you can start doing (today!) to fight middle-aged spread — regardless of your age. 

Because the sooner you get a head start, the better. 

1) Move more. Studies show that as you get older, you move less — both during your everyday activities and in your workouts. That’s why it’s so important to start a regular exercise habit with activities you enjoy and find hobbies that keep you active. 

photo of someone on a bike exercising to combat the middle-aged spread
photo of berries to enjoy a low-glycemic snack and combat the middle-aged spread

2) Eat Low Glycemic. When you eat high glycemic foods, this spikes your blood sugar. The excess blood sugar over time eventually leads to insulin resistance. Then the insulin receptors lose their ability to respond…..and the result is that blood sugar is stored as fat! (Click here for our favorite recipes!)

3) Eat enough protein. As people get older, they often skimp on their protein intake. Make sure you eat enough protein at each meal.  

photo of chicken as a high protein meal to combat the middle-aged spread


photo of exercise equipment to combat the middle-aged spread

4) Keep your muscle. It’s normal to lose muscle as you get older, but it’s not inevitable. With regular strength-building workouts (at least 2x a week), it’s not only possible to KEEP your muscle as you get older, but even REBUILD it. This helps keep you strong and active, plus it stokes your metabolism. 

5) Make it a lifestyle. The best thing you can do is follow a healthy lifestyle: get 7-8 hours of sleep a night, manage your stress levels, stay active, and eat a healthy-whole-foods-based diet. 

photo of bed and pillows to combat the middle-aged spread

Remember: it’s not the big steps you take occasionally that have the biggest impact on your health and fitness. It’s the little things you do every single day.

Make it an amazing day, 

PS: If you want to know exactly how I help busy Menopausal Women who have spent decades being at war with their weight (and themselves), you can read our program breakdown here.

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