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The Perfect Plate Formula



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A Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Menopause & Metabolism Specialist and Executive Wellness Coach helping busy menopausal women crack the code to living a healthy lifestyle so You Feel Great & Love Your Body!

I'm Lora!

Hey there!

I’ve got a “hack” to share with you today that could be a game changer in your journey to healthier eating. It’s NOT a new supplement, a superfood, or a fad diet. But it IS more effective – and healthier! – than all of those things.  It’s one The Perfect Plate Formula!

Welcome to The Perfect Plate Formula

It will help you create a delicious, balanced meal every time you sit down to eat… WITHOUT the stress of counting every single calorie or fretting over portions.  

All it takes is a dinner plate and this easy formula:

50% Veggies + 25% Starchy Veggies + 25% Protein + 1 Thumb of Healthy Fats = 100% Healthy Eating 

cover the perfect plate formula guide with vibrant vegetables on the cover

I told you it was simple!

Here’s the breakdown of The Perfect Plate Formula: 

Step 1: Fill half of your plate with veggies. This not only provides you with vitamins, minerals, and fiber but will fill you up without a lot of calories. 

Step 2: Fill one-quarter of your plate with starchy veggies (think acorn/butternut squash or sweet potatoes). These give you the micronutrients and energy you need to keep going through your day. 

Step 3: Fill one-quarter of your plate with protein. This could be fish, poultry, tofu, or even beans. Protein is essential for maintaining and building muscle, especially if you’re active. 

Step 4: Add 1 thumb of healthy fats. This could be avocado, a drizzle of olive oil, or a delicious healthy-fat-based sauce or dressing. Fats are important for many things, but especially brain health and helping your body absorb key micronutrients. 

The best part? This simple formula works for everyday meals AND gourmet dishes.  

healthy sheet pan recipe with broccoli, chickpeas, and butternut squash as a suggested meal for The Perfect Plate Formula
vibrant pad thai salad as a suggested meal for The Perfect Plate Formula
recipe for zucchini pasta with avocado cream sauce as a suggested meal for The Perfect Plate Formula

Here are a few “The Perfect Plate Formula” meal examples: 

  • Salad Greens + Chickpeas + 1 cup Veggies + ½ cup Starchy Veggie + Vinaigrette 
  • 2 cups Roasted Broccoli + Salmon + half a Sweet Potato + Olive Oil 
  • 1 cup Strawberries + Scrambled Free-Range Eggs + 1 Piece of Ezekiel Toast  

Remember, healthy eating doesn’t have to be complicated. With the Perfect Plate Formula, you’re always one meal away from eating healthy. 

I hope this helps you simplify how you plan, prepare, and eat your meals! 

Make it an amazing day, 

Sign up Below to Receive Your Free Low GI & Healthy Foods List Guide (a.k.a. #loraapproved)

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