How would you rate your eating skills?



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A Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Menopause & Metabolism Specialist and Executive Wellness Coach helping busy menopausal women crack the code to living a healthy lifestyle so You Feel Great & Love Your Body!

I'm Lora!

Hey there!

If you had to grade yourself today – right now! – on your eating and nutrition skills, would you get an A, B, C … or …?

(haha: I’m talking about “healthy” eating here, for the record.)

Most of us think of eating/nutrition as something we should just automatically KNOW about …

… or we even label them as virtues.

EXAMPLE: I can’t even count how many times clients have told me they have been “good” or “bad” when it comes to food. 

But there really ARE skills involved – things like meal planning, grocery shopping, meal prep (aka cooking!), knowing which foods fill you up, which ones make you feel hungry, etc. Understanding portion sizes is also a skill. 

photo of a large nutrious and delicious meal

Some of us were never taught these things growing up! Or we’ve been taught so many conflicting things, it’s hard to know WHAT to believe.

Focusing on building these skills is a GREAT mindset switch. 

It is empowering (vs. restricting) because it’s not about deprivation – it’s about creating a healthy and fit lifestyle that you actually enjoy.

A few more learnable skills (obviously, this depends on your goals & lifestyle):

  • Finding a couple of breakfast options that taste great and keep you filled up till lunchtime
  • Knowing how to meal prep during busy weeks
  • Protein: understanding how to make sure you’re getting enough for your goals
  • Veggies: finding ways to work them into your meals (most of us don’t eat enough of them!)
  • Getting great at once-weekly grocery shopping (& streamlining it so you can get in and out fast)

Taking time to master these kinds of skills will move you closer to your goals … and give you a foundation that will last you a lifetime.

Committed to your health,


PS: If you’d like to discuss taking the next step in your wellness journey, schedule a 15-minute success session.

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