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10 Creative Movement Activities



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A Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Menopause & Metabolism Specialist and Executive Wellness Coach helping busy menopausal women crack the code to living a healthy lifestyle so You Feel Great & Love Your Body!

I'm Lora!

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Here are 10 creative movement activities that you can consider during your summer vacation

Yoga or Pilates on the Beach

Take advantage of the serene beach setting and practice yoga or Pilates on the sand. The combination of movement, fresh air, and the calming sound of waves can enhance your practice and provide a unique experience. Or pop into a local pilates or yoga class (Click here to try a free class!)

Stand-Up Paddleboarding

Try stand-up paddleboarding (SUP) on a calm body of water such as a lake or a tranquil beach. SUP provides a full-body workout while allowing you to enjoy the beautiful scenery and connect with nature.

Dance Classes

Look for local dance studios or community centers offering dance classes specific to the region you’re visiting. Whether it’s salsa, tango, or a traditional cultural dance, learning new moves and immersing yourself in the local dance scene can be a fun and active way to experience the destination.

photo of dancing as one of the 10 creative Movement Activities
a photo of paddleboarding as one of the 10 creative Movement Activities

Hiking or Nature Walks

Explore scenic trails, national parks, or nature reserves in the area. Hiking or taking leisurely nature walks not only allows you to experience the beauty of the destination but also provides an excellent opportunity for cardiovascular exercise and connecting with nature. (In Florida, join the Lady Trekkers Facebook Community)

Beach Volleyball or Frisbee

Gather a group of friends or fellow vacationers for a friendly game of beach volleyball or frisbee. These activities are not only enjoyable but also help improve coordination, agility, and teamwork.

Outdoor Yoga Retreats or Workshops

Look for outdoor yoga retreats or workshops in the area you’re visiting. These specialized events often take advantage of picturesque settings, such as gardens, parks, or mountains, and offer unique yoga experiences led by experienced instructors.

Bike Tours or Rentals

Rent bicycles and explore the destination by cycling through scenic routes, bike-friendly trails, or even city streets. Biking allows you to cover more ground, get some exercise, and immerse yourself in the local culture.

Kayaking or Canoeing

If there are water bodies like rivers, lakes, or coastal areas nearby, consider kayaking or canoeing. It’s a great way to engage your upper body and core muscles while enjoying the tranquility of the water and observing wildlife.

a photo of a bike as one of the 10 creative Movement Activities
a photo of a nature trail as one of the 10 creative Movement Activities

Outdoor Group Fitness Classes

Check if there are any outdoor group fitness classes available in the area, such as boot camps, Zumba, or outdoor circuit training. These classes provide a fun and energizing way to stay active while enjoying the outdoors.

Scenic Walks or Sightseeing Tours

Instead of solely relying on transportation, opt for walking tours or sightseeing routes that allow you to explore the destination on foot. Walking is a low-impact exercise that enables you to discover hidden gems, landmarks, and local culture while staying active.

Let me know how you plan to stay active this summer!

Committed to your health,

Click on the links below to unlock a summer full of vitality and start your journey to a refreshed and rejuvenated you!

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