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6 Ways You’re Making it Harder to Reach Your Goals 



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A Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Menopause & Metabolism Specialist and Executive Wellness Coach helping busy menopausal women crack the code to living a healthy lifestyle so You Feel Great & Love Your Body!

I'm Lora!

Hey there!

This month we are all about making your healthy lifestyle EASIER … 

And one big way to do that is to get rid of the things that are blocking you from your goals. 

I’ve got a quick list of 6 things you can stop doing now … so you can start getting results NOW! 

Ready? Let’s go! 

6 Ways You’re Making it Harder to Reach Your Goals 

1. Aiming too high, too soon.

This is a recipe for failure and frustration.  

Goals like shedding 20 pounds in a few weeks… or running a marathon within a couple of months can be daunting and discouraging. Instead, set smaller, realistic targets to fuel your long-term progress. If this is an area you struggle with, a coach can help. 

2. Comparing yourself to others.

It’s okay to draw inspiration from others but don’t let their progress define your worth.  

Plus, you never know behind-the-scenes of what it REALLY took them to get there. Your journey is unique, so own it and celebrate your progress. 

3. Over-restricting your diet.

Eliminating foods (and food groups), skipping meals, or obsessing over the scale is not only discouraging… but it can lead to cravings, fatigue, and a serious lack of motivation.  

Aim for a balanced, enjoyable lifestyle that supports your health and well-being. 

photo of a calendar to align with 6 ways you are making it harder to reach your goals
photo of a couple exercising to align with 6 ways you are making it harder to reach your goals
photo of a plate pasta and why you shouldn't over-restrict your diet to align with the 6 ways you are making it harder to reach your goals

4. Navigating without a plan.

Having a proven game plan to take you from where you are NOW to where you want to be will save you time and effort. Otherwise, you’re relying on guesswork to reach your goal. 

5. Short-term vision.

Being fit for a vacation or an event is great… but staying in shape is even better. Consider your long-term health and avoid the exhausting cycle of temporary fitness.

6. Isolating yourself.

Everyone needs support. A strong support network or a great coach can hold you accountable and help you reach your goals even faster.  

Having someone in your corner cheering you on – and helping you find the inner strength to step out of your comfort zone – is invaluable!

If this is an area you need help with, make sure you check out our Metabolism Jumpstart Program.

You’ll get more support for feeling great & loving your body from someone who’s already helped thousands of women like you achieve amazing results.  

Remember… what you DON’T do is just as important as what you DO do in reaching your goals. 

Make it a great day, 

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