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What If You Could Do Anything?



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A Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Menopause & Metabolism Specialist and Executive Wellness Coach helping busy menopausal women crack the code to living a healthy lifestyle so You Feel Great & Love Your Body!

I'm Lora!

Hey there!

Happy New Year!

A lot of us nowadays are doing something that doesn’t do us (or the world!) any favors.

We play small.

By that I mean, we hold ourselves back — and don’t go after the things we really want.

In other words, we settle.

When we do this, not only are we depriving ourselves — but we’re also depriving the world of our gifts and our potential! 

Well, let’s make 2024 the year that stops!

It’s time to THINK BIGGER. It’s time to step out of your comfort zone and go after the things that you truly want.

And I’ve got some great news: it is absolutely possible to go after big goals in a way that’s HEALTHY, STRATEGIC, and (yes!) FUN. 

Let me walk you through the process… 

photo of woman writing down her goals in a notebook asking herself what if I could do anything

FIRST: Mark your goal

You probably already have an idea or two in the back of your head of something you want to accomplish this year (or even over the next couple of years).

And if you don’t, take some time to think about what would give your life more meaning, more purpose, and help you feel more fulfilled. 

Grab a notebook — because we’re about to come up with a way to bring those goals to life!

At the top of your page, write “What if I ____?” and fill in the blank with your goal.

SECOND: Get tactical

Now it’s time to make some lists.

List 1: Write down all your fears about this goal. All of them. Even the ones that seem silly. 

Example: Let’s say you want to go back to school. 

Maybe you’re afraid you’ve forgotten how to study, that you’ll feel out of place, or you won’t have any free time.

List 2: Write how you can MINIMIZE those fears. Maybe you need to learn a new skill, create a support network, or set some boundaries. Plan it all out.

Example: You could always join a study group, or you could experiment by starting with one class at a time.

List 3: Write down what you’ll do when things don’t go as planned. (Because as you know, things rarely go as planned!) This could be people you can reach out to or new approaches you can try.

Example: You could meet with your teacher or hire a tutor.

The takeaway: 

Fears are just fears. Once you break them down, they lose their power.

Here’s to a year of taking a GIANT step out of our comfort zones, and into a big, beautiful life!

And if one of your goals is to live your best life, my Metabolism Jumpstart Program gives you a proven plan (no guesswork) to help you feel great and love your body.

You’ll get more support to reduce belly fat, boost energy, balance hormones, and increase your confidence from someone who’s already helped thousands of women like you achieve amazing results. Click here to Save your spot before doors close at the end of the week! 

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