Metabolism Mastery - August 24th @ 10am Eastern

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Do You Need A Mini Action Plan?



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A Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Menopause & Metabolism Specialist and Executive Wellness Coach helping busy menopausal women crack the code to living a healthy lifestyle so You Feel Great & Love Your Body!

I'm Lora!

Hey there!

Are you ready to jump off the wellness rollercoaster?

If so, keep reading, as I have a method to help you find a plan that works for YOU and your life! 

Doesn’t it just feel good when you get into a groove that you can actually stick with? (If you haven’t yet, hang with me, I’ve got a helpful tip for you below.) 

It’s a little mindset/organizing hack … 

 And it’s something to think about when you get sidetracked, overwhelmed, or aren’t sure what to do next. 

It’s to always circle back to the 4 simple pillars of wellness – and to do what works for YOU for each of them. 

Your 4 Pillars of Wellness: 

  1. Eating low-glycemic meals 
  1. Regular exercise 
  1. Sleep 
  1. Self Care (including mindset work & rest) 

When you make time for these 4 pillars – and are INTENTIONAL and CONSISTENT with them – you feel SO MUCH BETTER

You have more energy, your mood is better, and you’ll probably have fewer aches & pains. Things just feel easier. 

Which can make it even more doable for you to stick with your healthy habits. 

I know that when I don’t pay attention to my 4 pillars, I can’t wait to get back to them because it makes such a big difference in how I feel and function. (And you know when Momma’s happy everyone is happy! Lol) 

Want a mini action plan to help you stick with your own pillars? 

 Here’s a little assignment: come up with 2 core actions for each of YOUR pillars, that always help you feel great. Write them down so you always have a plan in case you find yourself a little off track. 

I believe a healthy body is a happy body!  

When we feel good physically, mentally & spiritually, we are better equipped to be successful in our personal & professional lives. Don’t you agree? 

Have questions? Drop me a message.  

Make it an amazing day, 

PS: Struggling with food Cravings? (#cravingssuck!) 

Grab my guide to Crush Your Cravings by clicking here!
Not only will you feel more in control of your cravings, but you’ll feel extra energy and … drumroll … EVEN BETTER RESULTS! 

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    I’ve put together a FREE recipe ebook full of 21 of our favorite healthy, holiday-inspired one-dish meals...

    ...And they’re NOT your typical “health food” recipes you might expect!

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