Bye-Bye Belly: Secrets to Boosting Your Female Metabolism - Oct 26th @ 10am Eastern

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How to Reset Your Metabolism



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A Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Menopause & Metabolism Specialist and Executive Wellness Coach helping busy menopausal women crack the code to living a healthy lifestyle so You Feel Great & Love Your Body!

I'm Lora!

Hey there!

Ready for a quick list of actions you can take starting TODAY that will help you reset your metabolism naturally? 

The secret is to upgrade your self-care. (Sorry, I’m not talking about hitting the spa for “you” day) 

That’s because your healthy metabolism depends on your healthy daily habits. 

Here are the 5 pillars to focus on when it comes to naturally rebooting your metabolism: 

  • Eating a balanced, low-glycemic, whole-foods-based diet that includes protein at every meal — and eating at regular times throughout the day (Click here to visit our recipe index)
  • Sleeping 7-8 hours every night 
  • Exercising, including using weights & doing higher-intensity workouts at least 2x a week 
  • Have an outlet for your stress — whether it’s meditation, exercise, hobbies, or talking it out with a friend
  • Being more active in general — not only does this burn more calories, but it also “primes” your body to release more fat-burning enzymes
A photo of cucumber water as a habit to adopt to reset your metabolism.
A photo of dumbbells water as a habit to adopt to reset your metabolism.

THEN… once you get your habits squared away, you can start adding a few “extras” to give you a little boost and reset your metabolism naturally: 

  • Be diligent about drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water a day 
  • Add spicy foods to your weekly rotation  
  • Get your vitamin D levels checked because low levels are linked to less energy and a slower metabolism. 

Naturally resetting your metabolism is like doing a “reset” on your health and fitness, from the inside out! 

I hope this info helps you move closer to your goals. 🚀 

PS… Are you ready to make a real change in how you feel & look? I have two private coaching spots left this month.  I can help take you from feeling bloated & out of control to feeling great & loving your body. You can learn more by scheduling your 15 min complimentary consultation.

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