Bye-Bye Belly: Secrets to Boosting Your Female Metabolism - Oct 26th @ 10am Eastern

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This could have been really bad…



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A Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Menopause & Metabolism Specialist and Executive Wellness Coach helping busy menopausal women crack the code to living a healthy lifestyle so You Feel Great & Love Your Body!

I'm Lora!

Hey there!

I’m going to tell you a little story about a crazy week I had a while back. And I’m sharing this because I’m 99.9% sure you can relate.

It all started when my schedule suddenly became unexpectedly crazy (work & home).

Which meant I didn’t get a chance to work out as much as usual or even get outside to take a walk. 

And because I was busy, my food choices were more “grab & go” than normal. And, of course, I slept like crud.

Which made everything feel even crazier, which made me crave even more comfort and junk food, which made me sleep even worse, which made me feel too tired to work out.

And on and on it went. 

Seriously, by Friday, ALL I wanted to do was to order takeout, eat a big bag of tortilla chips and binge a good tv show all night. 

But then I had a little talk with myself.

Yes, I let myself relax and unwind on Friday night. 

But I knew that if I didn’t take ONE STEP … make ONE GOOD DECISION … to snap myself out of this spiral, I was heading in the exact opposite direction of my goals.

So the next morning, even though I didn’t want to, I ate a healthy breakfast, went grocery shopping & meal prepped for the week. 

And then, with one healthy action under my belt, it was a lot easier to take the next one.

By the end of the weekend, I felt like my old self again and was able to hop back into my normal routine on Monday.

This leads me to a question for you:

What is ONE ACTION you can take TODAY to help you get back on track (or up your game)?

Photo of a healthy meal to align with four pillars of health
photo of a woman meditating as one of the four pillars of health

Need an idea?

Choose something from one of the 4 pillars of health I talked about a few weeks ago: 

  • Healthy Diet
  • Exercise
  • Sleep
  • Rest/Relaxation/Mindset
photo of a sleep mask as an important pillar of health
women with feet in th pool for one of the four pillars of health

Don’t let one bad moment, day, or week derail all your plans. Your goals are too important. You’ve got this!

Make it an amazing day!


P.S. Hey, have you checked out my Resources Page on my website yet?

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