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Answered: Does Collagen Help With Hot Flashes



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A Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Menopause & Metabolism Specialist and Executive Wellness Coach helping busy menopausal women crack the code to living a healthy lifestyle so You Feel Great & Love Your Body!

I'm Lora!

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Are you feeling the heat from menopause and curious about natural remedies? In this article, we’ll address the question: Does collagen help with hot flashes? We’ll explore the benefits of collagen and introduce you to my top supplement recommendations for managing hot flashes during perimenopause and menopause.

Guiding you through this journey is Lora Ulrich, a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Menopause Health Coach, dedicated to helping busy menopausal women crack the code to living a healthy, vibrant lifestyle.

Does Collagen Help with Hot Flashes?

Collagen might help with some menopause problems like hot flashes, but not directly. It’s good for your skin, bones, and joints, which could make menopause a bit easier. Basically, while taking collagen can make you feel better overall, we’re not sure if it will stop the hot flashes. It’s all about keeping your body healthy and balanced.

An illustration featuring a serene woman surrounded by cooling elements like ice cubes, a glass of water, fan, and flora in a soothing palette of blues and whites, possibly symbolizing relief from hot flashes with an underlying theme of 'Does Collagen Help With Hot Flashes'

The Best Ingredients for Managing Hot Flashes

When it comes to managing hot flashes effectively, certain ingredients stand out for their ability to support hormonal balance and reduce symptoms. Isoflavones from Soy and Red Clover are particularly effective due to their phytoestrogen properties, which mimic estrogen and help regulate hormone levels. Flaxseed Extract is another powerhouse ingredient, supporting cardiovascular health while also aiding in the management of hot flashes. Additionally, Licorice Extract is known for its role in maintaining bone density, which is crucial during menopause.

As a Menopause Health Coach and having gone through menopause myself, I understand that every woman’s menopause journey is unique. That’s why I created personalized supplement bundles tailored to my clients’ biggest concerns. For those struggling with hot flashes, I recommend the Peri-Menopause Package, which includes one of my favourite supplements the EstroPro—a specially formulated supplement designed to alleviate hot flashes and support overall well-being during perimenopause.

What’s Collagen Got to Do With Menopause?

Collagen is like the glue that keeps your skin stretchy, your bones sturdy, and your joints moving smoothly. When menopause hits, your body’s collagen production takes a nosedive, which can make your skin feel like it’s not keeping up with you anymore. Plus, those achy joints and brittle bones? Yeah, that’s your body missing collagen.

When Should I Start Taking Collagen?

When contemplating the right time to start taking collagen for menopause, the early bird gets the worm—or in this case, the benefits. Initiating collagen supplementation in your mid-thirties to early forties, before menopause symptoms like hot flashes begin, can be a strategic move. This period marks the start of natural declines in collagen production, and supplementing can help offset the impacts of aging. By giving your body this head start, you’re essentially fortifying your skin’s elasticity, bone density, and joint health against the forthcoming changes menopause brings. It’s like laying down a strong foundation in a building; the stronger the base, the better it withstands future pressures.

Best Types of Collagen for Menopause Benefits

In menopause, not all collagen types offer the same benefits. Focus on Type I and III collagen, key for skin and bones. These types can be found in bone broth, chicken skin, and fish—foods that naturally boost collagen. Supplements specifically labeled with Type I and III offer a convenient alternative, targeting menopausal needs by supporting skin elasticity and bone health. Quality matters, so choose reputable brands for the best absorption and effect. Here’s the collagen we recommend Before starting any supplement, it’s wise to consult a healthcare provider.

Key Questions About Collagen and Menopause

Is Taking Collagen Good for Menopause?

Not directly, but taking collagen may be beneficial for managing some menopause symptoms, by improving skin health, joint mobility, and bone density​​​​.

Does Collagen Raise Estrogen Levels?

There’s no direct evidence suggesting that collagen supplements raise estrogen levels. They primarily support health areas impacted by the decrease in estrogen during menopause​​.

What is the Number One Supplement for Hot Flashes?

While there’s no definitive “number one” supplement for hot flashes, many find relief through a combination of lifestyle adjustments and supplements, including isoflavones and black cohosh, alongside collagen for overall menopausal symptom management​​.

Is Collagen Good for Night Sweats?

Collagen may indirectly help with night sweats by supporting overall menopausal health, but direct evidence specifically linking collagen intake to a reduction in night sweats is limited​​.

What Type of Collagen is Best for Menopause?

Type I collagen is best for skin health, while type III supports joint health. For menopausal women, a combination of types I and III may offer comprehensive benefits​​​​.

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