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8 Ways to Become More Resilient 



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A Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Menopause & Metabolism Specialist and Executive Wellness Coach helping busy menopausal women crack the code to living a healthy lifestyle so You Feel Great & Love Your Body!

I'm Lora!

Hey there!

The way to take BIG ACTION toward your goals is by doubling down on the one thing that will help you move the needle forward in a BIG WAY …with these 8 ways to become more resilient.

It’s taking PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY (aka practicing resilience, mental toughness, or whatever you want to call it)! 

These actions will step up your self-care game AND help you reach (& exceed) your wellness goals. 

8 Ways to Own Your Outcome/Practice Personal Responsibility

  1. Hold yourself accountable. When you “own your outcome” and take personal responsibility for your life… your decisions, actions, and how you spend your time take on a whole new meaning. 

    So, when you tell yourself you are going to do something, DO IT. The more often you do this, the easier it gets… and the more progress you will make!  
  1. Ask for help if you need it. This is a big one because asking for help requires pushing your ego to the side so you can move forward, faster. If you struggle with this one, perhaps this will help. We are meant to do all the things on our own. Why not have someone help you and shorten the learning curve aka get the thing you want quicker. 😊 
  2. Don’t compare yourself to others. We all are born with different strengths, challenges, and gifts. Comparing yourself to others robs you of the ability to express and build on what’s uniquely YOU! 

    Definitely let other people inspire you… but also let your own gifts shine because you never know who YOU will inspire. 

  3. Expect the unexpected and, when it happens, don’t let it derail you. It’s pretty much inevitable that at some point you’re going to fall off track… so plan for it! 

    There will always be obstacles – the key is to not let them stop you. They give you a chance to grow and learn. New levels, new devils. 

  4. Strengthen your inner circle. When you’re close with people who are working toward the same things you are, it will help motivate and inspire you. It can also provide valuable support when things get tough. 

  5. Take care of your body. When you eat healthy foods, get enough exercise, sleep well, manage your stress, and do all the self-care things, it gives you the energy you need to not only REACH your goals … but also live a more full and active life. 

photo of Lora meditating as a form of taking care of her body as one of the 8 ways to become more resilient

And that’s what it’s all about, right? 

  1. Take action (even when you don’t feel like it). #Truth You’re not always going to “feel like it.” And that’s completely normal. Do it anyway, because, in the long run, those micro-commitments you make to yourself aren’t really “micro” at all.  
  1. Focus on the positive. Check your inner dialogue… and when it turns negative, course correct ASAP so you don’t end up derailing your progress. (Or worse, quitting altogether.) 

Another way to take personal responsibility? Work with a coach to help you stay focused on the exact actions you need to take to get results. 

If you’re a busy menopausal woman struggling to feel great & love your body, and you want to see if my Metabolism Jumpstart Program could help you boost your metabolism, balance your hormones, burn belly fat & increase your confidence in just a few weeks, book a call to see exactly what the process looks like for you and if it’s the right fit for your goals! 

Make it an amazing day, 

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