Metabolism Mastery - August 24th @ 10am Eastern

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My Metabolism Jumpstart Program

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A Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Menopause & Metabolism Specialist and Executive Wellness Coach helping busy menopausal women crack the code to living a healthy lifestyle so You Feel Great & Love Your Body!

I'm Lora!

Hey there!

Have you ever been here before?

Something sparked you to set a new wellness goal that you were REALLY excited about. 

Maybe you: 

  • stepped on the scale after the holidays 
  • had a big event coming up (reunion, wedding, vacation, etc.)
  • were unhappy with the results from your latest doctor’s visit
  • watched an inspiring movie … or were wowed by someone else’s transformation
  • or even had some kind of wake-up call

So you committed to clean up your eating, start exercising, and/or make some BIG CHANGES when it comes to your self-care.

And then you go at it … HARD! 

And things are going great. 

But then something unexpected pops on your schedule …. or you eat a little “off your plan” … or you skip a workout ….

And that one miss turns into another, and another, and another. 

And before you know it, you’re completely off track and upset at yourself.

A few weeks or months (or even years) go by, until the next time you find yourself back on that very same rollercoaster ride.

It can be a really painful and frustrating cycle to get stuck in. 

But, I do have some really good news. 

It makes perfect sense that you kept falling off track … because it’s almost impossible for ANYONE to keep up that level of intensity and still live a normal life!

Don’t get me wrong: Having a new wellness goal is FANTASTIC … and healthy!

BUT it’s even BETTER to find a way to work on your goals that won’t drain as much time and energy from your everyday life.

In a way that sets you up for success, rather than sure failure.

PLUS, there’s a bonus: when you find your lifestyle happy place, you won’t find yourself on that confidence-sucking rollercoaster ride anymore.

That’s because you’ll actually be able to maintain all the results you’ve earned. (YES!!)

Finding this sustainable lifestyle is key to your success … and something I actively work on with my clients. It IS possible to achieve amazing results without disrupting your entire routine, and it’s what I specialize in.

Here is what Karen had to say:

This is not a fad or a quick fix. This program is designed to change the way you feel and look! I am thrilled to share that I no longer need or want to fill my body with junk. I have the energy and ambition that I thought was lost to getting older and I’m shedding that stubborn fat around my middle! Lora was incredibly supportive and motivating as well! I now feel better and believe that I look better because I’m happy with my results – Thank You Lora!


If you’re ready to jump off that rollercoaster for the last time, my Metabolism Jumpstart program is for busy menopausal women just like you who are motivated for major results – that last a lifetime! 

Committed to your success,


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    I’ve put together a FREE recipe ebook full of 21 of our favorite healthy, holiday-inspired one-dish meals...

    ...And they’re NOT your typical “health food” recipes you might expect!

    Grab the e-book when you share your email below! 
