Bye-Bye Belly: Secrets to Boosting Your Female Metabolism - Oct 26th @ 10am Eastern

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Personalized Plans

Expert Guidance

Holistic Support

Struggling with Menopause by yourself?

You don't need to do it Alone.

Menopause can bring many frustrating challenges like stubborn weight gain, brain fog, low energy, and sleepless nights. If you feel like your body is working against you, it’s time to regain control and rediscover your vitality.

I understand how overwhelming and confusing menopause can be.

I’ve been through it too, and I’ve successfully guided countless women to reclaim their health and vitality through one-on-one coaching. With decades of experience and proven results, I am uniquely equipped to guide you through this journey, ensuring you achieve the transformation you’ve been seeking.

And I can do the same for you.

Top Concerns I Help Women Overcome

Menopausal Weight Gain

Many women come to me after trying every diet and exercise plan, especially to tackle stubborn menopause belly fat. If you've tried everything and had no luck, my one-on-one coaching is designed to help you finally see results.

Nutrition Coaching

Proper nutrition is key during menopause, but it can be challenging to know what’s right for your body at this stage. I offer personalized nutrition coaching that simplifies meal planning, ensuring you get the nutrients you need to feel your best.

Hormone Support

Hormonal imbalances during menopause can wreak havoc on your body and mind. My coaching provides tailored hormone support strategies to help you balance your hormones naturally, so you can regain control of your health.

Brain Fog & Low Energy

Many women experience a drop in energy levels and struggle with brain fog during menopause, making it hard to get through the day. My coaching addresses these challenges by helping you optimize your lifestyle and nutrition to boost energy, mental clarity, and overall vitality.

Beth’s Transformation Story

"After turning 40 I gained 10lbs for no reason. I did everything to try to lose weight, from
prescribed weight loss medications, to starving myself and working out daily. After an
entire year and nothing working, not even losing an ounce, I signed up for Lora’s 4 week
new years group, I’ve lost 8lbs so far in just 1 month! I have more sustained energy than
ever before and sleep better at night! Her meals work with my busy work and life
schedule which was the biggest hurdle for me to overcome. It IS possible to eat more
and watch the stubborn fat and weight melt away quickly! I highly recommend everyone
with weight or energy issues seek Lora for her expert guidance!"


Molly's Weight Loss Story

"I never thought I’d lose this weight. No matter how carefully I watched what I ate or
worked out. But Lora gave me clarity - and created accountability - so I could see how
my choices impacted my results.
Now it's 1 year and; 80 pounds later, it’s amazing to see how this mindset shift has snowballed into other areas of my life. My joint issues are gone, I sleep better, and my brain fog is lifted. I no longer wake up with all that achy inflammation in the mornings - now I have a lot of energy and I'm ready to take on the day. Lora has changed my life!!"

hey there!

Meet Your Menopause Health Coach

I’m a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Executive Wellness Coach, and dedicated Menopause Health Coach helping busy peri thru postmenopausal women crack the code to living a healthy lifestyle.

As a professional, I know the science behind helping women Feel Great and Love Their Bodies. But as a woman, I understand the demands of real life and the struggles, traumas, and baggage that can get in the way.

more about Lora

Comprehensive Support Tailored to You

What’s Included:

One-on-One Coaching Sessions:
Weekly personalized coaching sessions via Zoom to address your specific needs and goals.

Customized Meal Plans:
Tailored nutrition guidance that fits your lifestyle, with quick and easy meal options that don’t require a long list of ingredients.

Supplement Recommendations:
Personalized supplement suggestions to support your health and enhance your results.

Unlimited Support:
Access to me via email and text between sessions for questions, accountability, and ongoing encouragement.

Lifestyle Integration:
Guidance on incorporating healthy habits into your routine without feeling overwhelmed, helping you create lasting changes.

Progress Tracking:
Regular reviews of your daily journal and progress to ensure you’re on track to meet your goals. There's no counting calories, no weighing or measuring food. Yay!

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One on One Menopause Coaching

How To Work Together

Book Your Free Consultation

We’ll talk about your specific struggles and goals, and I’ll explain how my one-on-one menopause coaching can help.

Start Your Coaching Sessions

We’ll meet weekly to create a personalized plan, build new habits, and make real progress.

See Real Results

Experience more energy, better sleep, and a renewed confidence in your body.

book Free Consultation

Hear from Sue

"You are Awesome! As I approached my 65th birthday, I decided I wanted to weigh the
same amount on my 65th that I weighed on my 20th. I asked Lora for guidance and
followed it! Thanks to her great guidance and support, I actually weighed a pound less on my 65th than I did on my 20th! I think I'll keep this my annual challenge - to weigh what I
weighed when I was 20, each year from now on. It's a healthy weight (Lora agreed)!
Lora and combination of healthy eating and appropriate supplementation naturally got me
to this weight. Thank you Lora!"


Hear from Michelle P

Before meeting Lora and starting the Metabolism Jumpstart the word that comes to mind is hopeless. I struggled with weight my entire life and menopause just added insult to injury. I tried every diet imaginable and did rigorous workouts to maybe lose a pound here and there. I felt there was no way to lose this menopause belly at my age. Hopeless. I lost 8.5 pounds and 6.5 inches in 4 weeks. I never thought that was possible. I feel fantastic. I feel good about myself when I look in the mirror and feel I have a sense of control back. Life changing!! Update: After 8 weeks I'm down 15.2!!! Total inches lost = 11.5”!! Weight: 146.8 (down 15.2)!!! Total inches lost after 8 weeks = 11.5”!! - 2” chest, -4.5” waist, -3” hips, -1.5” thigh, -0.5” bicep. Best of all, I didn't lose any muscle! Thank you Lora!! I went from “can’t” to “will” to “did”!!! Woo hoo!!! Another Update: 12 weeks & now down 20#s - woohoo!"

Michelle P'

Hear from Janette

"Learning about food is a game changer when it comes to making choices. Lora helped
me understand how the food I was eating affected me in so many ways that I did not even know. Learning = better choices for sure!! I lost 9 pounds in four weeks with
knowledge and the power of choice which led to feeling great and more confidence."


Feel Rejuvenated, Confident, and in Control Again

Imagine shedding that stubborn menopausal weight, waking up refreshed, and feeling like yourself again. Your clothes fit better, your energy is restored, and you’re confidently in control of your health.

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Here to help

Don’t wait any longer to reclaim your health and happiness. 

Let’s start your one-on-one menopause coaching journey together.

Schedule A Consult

Freebies to Help You Feel Great


Quick & Easy 
Metabolism-Boosting Recipes

i need this!


Weight Loss Tips

Grab this Guide!


Weight Loss Tips

Say Goodbye to Stubborn Pounds and Hormone Havoc. Your Guide to
Feeling Fabulous After 40!